Event Details


Austin, Texas | November 04, 2022

Please join us for our fall education program and lunch in Austin, where we will explore the latest employment and labor law developments.

This presentation will highlight key areas to better prepare you and your business going into the final quarter of 2022 and early 2023. We look forward to an engaging conversation.


  • Recent trends in class and collective employment actions
  • Key issues in arbitration
  • Regulatory update: new and pending changes from the DOL to the NLRB and other agencies in-between


11:30 am – Registration and lunch
11:55 am – Program
1:00 pm – Adjourn

Continuing education

This program is pending 1.0 General CLE credit in Texas and 1.0 HR (General) recertification credit hours toward aPHR™, aPHRi™, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRi™ and SPHRi™ recertification through HR Certification Institute® (HRCI).

Note: Attendance is limited to fully vaccinated individuals while all existing state and local regulations will be followed. If you are so inclined to do so, please feel free to wear a mask.


Of Counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP

Senior Counsel, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP

Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP

Senior Associate, Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP


Of Counsel
Senior Counsel
Senior Associate