New York lawyer discusses global water and wastewater transactions and financings at Columbia University Conference
Global | Video | August 2019 | 01:47
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Damian Georgino (New York) recently discussed how global water, wastewater and energy needs are approaching a significant inflection point during an illuminating forum at Columbia University's Water Center.
Georgino and Alex Loucopoulos of Sciens Capital, a sponsor of the event that was part of America's Water initiative at the Water Center, shared insights on topics that included:
- The focus on efficiencies and recognizing the water/energy nexus;
- The role of private investors;
- Allocation of risk and return;
- Distributed water/energy and role of IoT, Big Data and Smart Cities; and
- The value of water.
Georgino has a unique perspective on global water and wastewater issues, bringing to bear more than 20 years' experience in this field. The global market for water, for not only life itself but also for continued economic development, is at a critical point with the convergence of water, energy, technology and climate change forcing all stakeholders to take a more in-depth examination of efficiencies, conservation and the role of private capital.