Canadian Competition Act | S3 EP4
Disputed - Discussions to keep your business risk-ready
In June 2023, the Competition Bureau is set to start enforcing amendments to Canada’s Competition Act that were announced in June 2022. These amendments seek to protect competition in Canada’s labour market and pertain to no-poach and wage-fixing agreements, which will become illegal and subject to criminal penalties. These amendments could possibly mean big changes for Canadian companies and how they do business. Chris Hersh joins us to discuss the potential impacts in the Canadian labour market. As a partner in our Toronto office and head of our Canadian competition practice, Chris provides strategic counsel to clients on all aspects of competition law.
For more information:
No-poach, no problem: Competition Bureau releases enforcement guidelines for wage-fixing and no-poaching agreements
CPD credits: This episode is accredited for 0.6 Substantive hours in Ontario and 0.6 Substantive hours in British Columbia.
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