UCITS (Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities) is the main EU legislative framework covering the regulation and cross-border marketing of collective investment schemes that are suitable for retail investors.

UCITS insight is a dedicated online resource providing you with insight and analysis into the UCITS regime.

UCITS insight features:

  • A brief history
  • UCITS timeline
  • Relevant papers; ESMA, European Commission, Council of the EU and the UK
  • Passport and marketing
  • Establishing a UCITS fund and cross-border marketing in the EU
  • Asset management updater series
  • Omnibus proposals
  • Brexit and deregulation

To access UCITS insight, you will need to register to The Institute — our client portal — where you will find all our information on asset management regulation together in one of our new knowledge hubs.

Together with information on asset management and UCITS, you will also find our other resource on Alternative Investment Fund Managers Directive (AIFMD) — the EU regulatory framework for alternative investment fund managers (AIFMs).

Login or register to The Institute.


Global Head of Financial Services
Senior Legal Consultant
Senior Counsel
Global Director of Financial Services Knowledge, Innovation and Product