Éric Dunberry

Éric Dunberry
Éric Dunberry is an experienced jurist, strategist and negotiator concentrating on risk management and dispute resolution for companies in the public and private sectors, most notably in connection with national class actions, particularly in matters relating to energy, manufacturer’s liability, and infrastructure and transportation projects. He represents an extensive institutional clientele before the courts of original jurisdiction and courts of appeal and regulated companies before regulatory agencies, notably regarding competition, obtaining regulatory approvals, permits, rates or licences, as well as matters relating to investigations, market surveillance and complaints.
He holds undergraduate and master's degrees in civil engineering and law, and these skills enable him to intervene in complex legal matters raising issues involving engineering, technology, regulatory and compliance issues. He is also frequently called upon to negotiate and draft tender documents and service, corporate, construction and supply contracts.
Éric has also held important management roles in the firm, as head of the litigation group, and later as a member of the executive and management committees. Over the years, he has played an instrumental role in the legal field, in providing legal expertise and in ensuring better access to justice through his work as a lawyer, teacher, author, researcher and speaker.
The Quebec Bar awarded him with the "Advocatus Emeritus" (Ad.E.) distinction for professional excellence and exceptional contribution to the legal community. He is a Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, a group composed of the leading litigators in North America.
Professional experience
Rankings and recognitions
Rankings and recognitions
- Best Lawyers in Canada: Class Action Litigation, Product Liability Law, 2010-2024; Director and Officer Liability Practice, 2012-2024; Energy Regulatory Law, Technology Law, 2013-2024; Alternative Dispute Resolution, 2022-2024
- Thomson Reuters Stand-out Lawyers, 2022
- Acritas Stars 2021 – Designated as an "Independently rated lawyer"
- Canadian Legal Lexpert Directory, 2012-2011: recommended in Class Actions; 2012-2021: recommended in Energy (Oil & Gas); Litigation - Corporate Commercial; Litigation - Product Liability
- Chambers Canada, Quebec: Energy: Provincial Regulatory (Band 1), Chambers and Partners, 2019-2021
- Chambers Canada, Nationwide: Dispute Resolution: Class Action (Defence), Chambers and Partners, 2020-2021
- Advocatus Emeritus (Ad. E.), distinction awarded by the Quebec Bar for professional excellence and an exceptional contribution to the legal field
- Fellow of the American College of Trial Lawyers, a group composed of the leading litigators in North America
- Benchmark Litigation Canada: Litigation Star 2021
- Acritas Stars 2020 – Designated as an "Independently rated lawyer"
- Best Lawyers in Canada: Energy Regulatory Law "Lawyer of the Year," 2021
- The Legal 500, Canada - Regulatory Energy
- Lexpert® Guide to the Leading US/Canada Cross-border Litigation Lawyers in Canada (US Litigation Guide) (2011): Litigation – Class actions
LL.M., Master of Information Technology Law, Université de Montréal, 2001
B.C.L., Bachelor of Civil Law, McGill University, 1986
M.Eng., Master of Civil Engineering, McGill University, 1984
B.Eng., Bachelor of Civil Engineering, McGill University, 1982
- Quebec 1987
Memberships and activities
Memberships and activities
- Canadian Bar Association
- International Bar Association
- Quebec Bar
- Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (Quebec order of engineers)
- Accredited arbitrator in civil and commercial matters with the Institut de médiation et d'arbitrage du Québec (Quebec mediation and arbitration institute)
- Author or co-author of construction law and technology law monographs and academic articles on construction law, e-commerce and class actions, among other topics
- Lecturer, construction law, Faculty of Law, University of Montreal (1997-2000)
- Lecturer, professional liability law, École polytechnique of University of Montreal (1990-1995)
- Examiner, Montreal Bar School (1993-1995)
- Instructor, Institut du commerce électronique de Montréal (electronic commerce institute of Montreal) as part of the training programs provided to the company (2000-2001)
- Designated mentor within the firm for young lawyers in the development and practice of law