Evi Platsidaki

Evi Platsidaki
Evi Platsidaki is a banking and finance lawyer with a particular focus on shipping finance. She is an English solicitor based in Athens having previously trained and worked in London and Hong Kong.
Evi has worked on most of the Greek office’s complex and large shipping finance transactions and has significant experience in a broad range of transactions including: syndicated facilities; secured, structured and unsecured facilities; international and cross-border transactions; ECA-backed facilities; sale and lease backs involving debt refinancing and the acquisition and chartering of both newbuilding and second hand vessels.
She advises international banks, finance lessors and ship owners and has a deep understanding of the shipping market.
Evi is a guest lecturer at the Institute of Chartered Shipbrokers in Piraeus and an active member of our Women in Maritime Network.
Professional experience
- Solicitor, qualified in England & Wales