On March 12, 2024, the Chief Executive of the Regulator, Nausicaa Delfas, delivered a speech on the changes to the pensions sector and how the Regulator is responding.
The speech addresses the growing influence of scheme consolidation across both DB and DC schemes, the changing role of trustees in producing transparency and value for members, the emergence of superfunds and the broadening powers of the Regulator around compliance, oversight and analysis.
On the Government's Mansion House reforms, the Regulator believes that productive assets can play a role in a diversified portfolio if trustees have the necessary expertise, advice and governance. In January 2024 the Regulator issued guidance to support trustees in relation to private markets investments.
Commenting on pensions disclosure requirements, Ms Delfas said that the increased disclosure requirements were changing behaviour, for instance, in relation to climate change reporting, and the goal is to encourage genuine change in how schemes operate. It was incumbent on the Regulator to change if it was to “protect, enhance and innovate” in savers’ interests.