Our global reach

We have more than 3,700 lawyers and other legal staff based inEurope, the United States, Canada, Latin America, Asia, Australia, the Middle East and Africa. This global network, thrumming with ideas from some of the finest minds in the legal sector, is united by the values below:


We’re a team of the highest calibre, providing consistently high quality work, because our clients always come first.


We share our knowledge and we work to support one another across teams and borders, because our team culture makes us who we are.


We’re trustworthy, open and fair. We respect colleagues and clients deeply, and we work to the highest ethical, professional and business standards.

Where we are


You’ll work in our London office for most of your time as a trainee – and it’s an impressive location. One of our biggest global offices, it offers a full complement of legal business services in a stunning building nestled at the foot of Tower Bridge. Borough Market is close by. The Globe, the National Theatre and the Tate Modern are within walking distance. Or, you can enjoy many of the sights from our impressive ninth-floor reception with views that stretch from Canary Wharf to the City of London. 


Our Northern innovation hub, this is where creative tech minds work on products and services to accelerate our legal processes around the world. Opt for a career in NRF Transform, rather than as a lawyer, and you may well spend one of your six-month rotations here as part of the Innovation Team.

Our key industries

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