We strive to build and maintain a diverse culture which supports and attracts people from all ethnic and racial backgrounds. We value what this diversity brings to our culture and the opportunities it provides to widen our horizons and understand our clients, and each other.
As a firm, we will always stand together against racism, bigotry and brutality. We say clearly that racism and discrimination of any kind has no place in society, and not in the global community that is our firm. See our “Standing Together” statement.

We are committed to improving the representation of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) employees and partners. By 2025, we aim for 15% of our partners and 25% of our UK firm to be BAME. We will do so through a targeted approach to recruitment, development and retention and on continually focussing on efforts to drive inclusive behaviours and policies.
For the second year running, the firm voluntarily published its UK ethnicity pay gap figures and recently joined 30 business leaders as a signatory to BITC's letter to the UK Government recommending the introduction of a mandatory duty for employers to report on their ethnicity pay gap. The firm is signatory to Rare's Race Fairness Commitment, a series of commitments for the recruitment, progression and retention BAME talent for businesses operating in the UK.
Employee networks
Ramadan reflections
Some of our colleagues from the Compass network reflect on what Ramadan means to them, including what they like the most about the month and their biggest challenges.