M&A in the asset management and fund sector: Key themes for 2025
UK and European asset managers have been facing considerable headwinds over the past few years.
United Kingdom | Publication | January 2025
The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (MiFID II) required investment firms to publish in real-time post-trade information about trades executed outside the systems or the rules of trading venues, i.e. over-the-counter, unless an exemption applied. This obligation applied to the trading of all types of financial instruments that were traded on a trading venue.
Before the changes to the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (MiFIR) referred to below, the reporting obligation was linked to the systematic internaliser (SI) status of the counterparty to a trade per MiFID II Regulatory Technical Standards 1 and 2.1 Investment firms that met the definition of an SI were required to take on the post-trade regulatory reporting obligations regardless of whether they were acting as a buyer or seller and were required to report transactions to an Approved Publication Arrangement (APA). Many investment firms voluntarily opted-in under the SI regime to enable them to report the transactions they carried out for their clients so that their client did not have to report.
Regulation (EU) 2024/791 amended those provisions of MiFIR that concerned data transparency, consolidated tapes, trading obligations and payment for order flow. In particular, for post trade transparency, the Regulation inserted a new Article 21a into MiFIR concerning a new concept of Designated Publishing Entities (DPEs) which was intended to remove the complexity of the SI regime which required a transaction-by-transaction approach and avoid disproportionate obligations being imposed on institutions that voluntarily opted-in as an SI.
Article 21a of MiFIR provides that:
The changes that Regulation (EU) 2024/791 introduced entered into force on 28 March 2024. Whilst the Regulation did not provide for a transitional provision for the application of the DPE regime ESMA subsequently issued a statement on 22 July 2024 stating that it had agreed with NCAs to adopt a two-step approach:
The statement added that, ESMA expects that as of 3 February 2025, registered DPEs, which are party to a transaction, will make the transaction public through an APA. Until further notice the previous regime, relying on SIs, should continue applying but ESMA expects that it will no longer be used.
In its statement ESMA encouraged investment firms intending to become DPEs to register with their NCA and on various NCA websites pages appeared setting out the registration procedure. A list of these web pages is set out below. When applying to an NCA, NCAs have, per ESMA’s statement, identified the classes of financial instruments for which they wish to take up the function and this information has also been transmitted to ESMA. A valid Legal Entity Identifier Code (LEI) is also required for entry in the ESMA register.
Classes of financial instruments to be included in the DPE register:
Equity instruments |
Non-equity instruments |
Shares |
Bonds |
Depositary receipts |
ETCs |
Exchange traded funds |
ETNs |
Certificates |
Interest rate derivatives |
Other equity-like financial instruments |
Structured finance products |
Emission allowances |
ESMA has also established the register. The DPE register has initially been made available on ESMA’s website in XLSX format and should allow market participants to prepare for the effective start of application of the DPE regime. The XLSX register will be updated regularly. At the same time, ESMA is working on integrating the register in its IT systems so that it can be accessed on a dedicated portal similarly to other registers of entities (e.g. SI register). Indicatively, the go-live of the DPE register integrated into the ESMA’s IT systems, and hence the discontinuation of the XLSX version, is planned for the end of 2025. Following the integration into the IT systems, the ESMA register will be automatically updated with new information as soon as the respective modifications are introduced in the register by the NCA.
At the time of writing certain NCAs had published a link on their website regarding applying for DPE status. This includes the BaFin in Germany and the AFM in the Netherlands. Other NCAs like the AMF in France have so far not published a link although this is expected to change so prospective applicants should keep a close eye on developments.
On 24 January 2025, ESMA issued a new web page reminding market participants that responsibility for reporting OTC transactions will shift from SIs to DPEs from 3 February 2025.
ESMA also stated that it will no longer be necessary for it to perform SI calculations from September 2025 and therefore it has decided to discontinue the voluntary publication of quarterly SI calculations data. This action will also reduce the administrative burden for investment firms.
Consequently, the mandatory SI regime will no longer apply from 1 February 2025, and investment firms will not need to perform the SI-test. However, investment firms can continue to opt into the SI-regime.
As part of the UK Wholesale Markets Review, the UK introduced a Designated Reporter Regime (DRR) which came into force in April 2024 and removes SI status as a criterion in establishing when an investment firm is obliged to report a transaction. The DRR provides that investment firms may elect to register themselves as a designated reporter (DR), regardless of SI status, by registering with the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA). Among other things when registering investment firms should provide:
Registration, which applies at the entity level, means that DR status applies to all of the investment firm’s reportable trades across all financial instruments. Where a DR is trading with a non-DR, the DR would be responsible for reporting all trades. The seller would report where both, or neither, of the counterparties are a DR.
We have assisted a number of firms with regard their post trade transparency requirements including registration as a DPE and/or DR. For further information please contact one of the authors of this note or your usual Norton Rose Fulbright contact.
UK and European asset managers have been facing considerable headwinds over the past few years.
L’Union Européenne l’avait annoncé , le législateur français l’a fait : le 20 février 2025, l'Assemblée Nationale a adopté définitivement la proposition de loi restreignant la fabrication et la vente de produits contenant des PFAS2, que l’on surnomme les « polluants éternels ».
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