William Chalmers

Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP

William Chalmers

William Chalmers


Related services and key industries


Will Chalmers practises in all areas of intellectual property law with an emphasis on pharmaceutical patent litigation.

Will joined our Toronto office as a summer student in 2017 and returned to article with us in 2018-2019. While articling, Will completed a secondment at GlaxoSmithKline Inc. where he gained valuable experience with commercial, regulatory, and intellectual property matters related to the innovative pharmaceutical industry.

During law school, Will developed practical advocacy skills through competing in several intellectual property law mooting competitions. Will also completed Osgoode's Intellectual Property Law and Technology Intensive Program, where he advised on regulatory and commercial matters while completing an internship at AstraZeneca Canada Inc.

Professional experience

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J.D., Osgoode Hall Law School, 2018
B.Sc., Mechanical Engineering, Queen's University, 2014

  • Ontario 2019
  • Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in Canada: Intellectual Property Law, 2023-2025
  • Canadian Law Awards 2022, Commercial Litigation Case of the Year Excellence Awardee for Pharmascience Inc. v. Pfizer Canada ULC
  • Toronto Intellectual Property Group