Corporate Governance turnover can lead to a greener approach
Canada | In the media | February 2024
Does good governance provide better environmental performance and make companies greener? Our partners Heidi Reinhart and Alison Babbitt spoke to The Globe and Mail about the importance of ESG, corporate social responsibility, and sustainability in the boardrooms. The environment remains a major priority, and a new global study concluded that board renewal brings significantly higher future environmental performance. Since the start of the year, more standardized protocols have been used, providing more transparency and better decision-making for stakeholders. But to be successful and have longevity, public companies must revolutionize the boardroom. "Ultimately, it's about the bottom line and how you make the best return for your investors and stakeholders," says Partner and Canadian Co-head of Responsible Business & Sustainability Alison Babbitt. Find out what Alison Babbitt and Heidi Reinhart had to say about the future of green governance in the article: The Globe and Mail.