Grape coloured square
Innovative solutions
Our global team has significant experience in the areas of climate change, carbon management, energy transition, human rights and more.

Our approach

green wall of plants on building

Elevating your role in a sustainable future

Now more than ever, investors include responsible business and sustainability criteria in assessment and valuation decisions, while business leaders find themselves scrutinizing their organizations’ impact on people and communities. With customers increasingly focused on social costs and their reputation when making purchasing decisions, sustainability related claims and threats of class actions for greenwashing are on the rise.

Climate change, sustainability and human rights dominate current dialogues. Our extensive knowledge in the areas of sustainable performance-related laws, regulations, standards and trends allows us to provide tailored legal and strategic advice on fulfilling corporate commitments, managing risks, developing and auditing compliance plans.

Glacier with falling ice
Windmills along the country side against a blue sky
A woman putting up hand in protest

Practice areas

Modern slavery

Illustration of a bird breaking free from a chain

Since January 1, 2024, federal legislation in Canada requires companies of a certain size that produce, sell, distribute or import goods into Canada to file a report by May 31 each year regarding the risks of forced labour and child labour in their business and supply chains and the efforts taken to reduce those risks.

Canada joins other jurisdictions around the world, including Australia and the UK, in implementing such modern slavery-related reporting legislation.

As a global leader in the area of business human rights, we provide pragmatic advice on compliance and best practice in managing human rights risk, including modern slavery. It is our aim to assist clients to make human rights due diligence part of their business-as-usual.  

Read more in our Modern Slavery hub.

Committed to progress

As the shift towards sustainability gathers momentum, organizations are adapting to ever-evolving conditions. Policies are constantly changing, necessitating a more collaborative, diverse and transparent approach to responsible business planning. At Norton Rose Fulbright, we recognize the vital importance of making informed decisions regarding sustainability and help ensure our clients stay up to date on the matters that matter most to their organizations. We believe that engaged firm members are instrumental for driving real-world change, and as a firm we continuously benchmark our own activities against those of the clients we serve. Ultimately, we believe that when communities thrive, individuals, families and businesses are better positioned for inclusive, sustained success.

Green coloured square
Achieving sustainability
We harness the power of knowledge, collaboration, and ethical leadership to navigate the complexities of environmental, social and governance law.

Our social purpose

Guided by a commitment to navigate complex legal and business challenges, we enable our clients, colleagues and communities to drive sustainable change, create long-term value and contribute to a more inclusive and prosperous future. Together, we shape a world where success and social responsibility go hand in hand.

The world, now, more than ever, requires collaboration and foresight when it comes to managing the multitude of social, environmental and governance issues across all facets of society. By working in partnership with our clients and community organizations, we strive to help shape a future that is inclusive, equitable and sustainable.  

Our responsible business strategy is grounded in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the principles of UN Global Compact.  

Mountain at sunset

"We enable our clients, colleagues and communities to foster positive change and contribute to a better world."

Green roof

Sustainable procurement and supplier diversity

Walking the walk on sustainability

We are committed to promoting the presence and growth of diverse suppliers in the market by providing qualified organizations with equitable opportunities to compete for our business. The foundation of our program consists of internal and external deliverables to help ensure program success for all Norton Rose Fulbright stakeholders. Moreover, we seek to enable the growth of diverse businesses in our communities and strive to create supplier– buyer relationships that allow diverse organizations to continue to develop. Underscoring our commitment, we are members of  CAMSC (Canadian Aboriginal Minority Supplier Council); CCIB (Canadian Council of Indigenous Business); and are a Certified Indigenous Procurement Champion.  Above and beyond this, we also assess the lifecycle impacts of the goods and services that are purchased, as well as the sustainability practices of our suppliers. Considerations such reducing material use, waste and packaging; optimizing energy efficiency; reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution; water conservation; the reduction or elimination of toxins and hazardous chemicals; and contributing to biodiversity preservation are all factors we assess when onboarding suppliers and the products and services we buy from them.

Ethical business

Human rights policy

Respecting human rights

We are committed to respecting human rights in how we do business. Through our Human Rights Policy, we have set out guiding principles in line with the International Labour Organisation’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work. We seek to act in accordance with applicable human rights in Canada and commit to assessing human rights impacts in our supply chain. As an employer, we strive to treat all our staff fairly. In addition, we are opposed to and will oppose all forms of slavery and forced labour within our organization and within our supply chain. 

The firm’s Modern Slavery Act Report will be shared in 2024.

Environmental sustainability policy

Our world. Our word.

We recognize that our impact on the environment and our people adhere to our own adoption of  sustainability best practice. Our business depends on the ethical standards we set, and implementing sustainability measures in our decision-making and business activities is vital if we are to provide credible leadership for our clients, employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders. Operationally, we aim to enhance stakeholder engagement to promote awareness amongst firm members and collaborating with clients to collectively advance their sustainability goals. 

Community & pro bono

Putting our best efforts to work, close to home

We believe that giving back to the communities we serve through community giving and pro bono activities is both a public and a professional duty. The UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) serve as a blueprint for our community and pro bono efforts. 

Working alongside local charitable organizations, and in partnership with our clients, we dedicate our skills, time and resources to delivering positive outcomes to our environment and our communities. 

We provide legal support to vulnerable populations through our pro bono efforts including providing  advice, information, research and training.

Diversity policy

Global Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

Our global diversity, equity and inclusion policy sets out a number of commitments to which all elements of our business adhere. Norton Rose Fulbright, as a firm, is committed to supporting diversity and inclusion on every level because all people deserve to be valued and treated with both dignity and respect. We provide a working environment free from discrimination and harassment, ensuring partners, directors and managers work in partnership with our people to foster an inclusive environment. We believe this improves productivity and ensures that decisions affecting employment, learning, promotions, and career development are based on an individual’s ability. The policies we put in place are reviewed regularly, updated as necessary to identify and eliminate any direct or indirect discriminatory practices. We are committed to achieving an aspirational gender diversity target that optimizes inclusivity, and we actively seek to increase the racial, ethnic and cultural diversity, including the LGBTIQ+ community, of our management structures across the global firm.


We recognize that, as a global firm supporting our clients in multiple jurisdictions, the way in which we operate has an impact on the environment. 

In seeking to improve our environmental performance we are continually adopting measures to reduce greenhouse gases, increase waste management efficiency, reduce water consumption and fully assess environmental credentials in our procurement supply chain. In addition, we aim to work with our clients to help them meet their sustainability goals.

We also continue to raise awareness and engage our colleagues in environmental action through various green campaigns around the office.

Pro bono policy

Getting behind pro bono

Giving back to the communities we serve is both a public and a professional duty. Our people are encouraged to seek out pro bono opportunities, and each year, hundreds of partners and associates play an active role in matters that make a huge difference to a variety of organizations. We are proud of our people and the efforts made to support those who need our expertise. 


Partner, Canadian Co-Head of Responsible Business and Sustainability
Senior Partner, Canadian Co-Head of Responsible Business and Sustainability
Chief Administration Officer
If you have any questions, please reach out and we will answer you shortly.

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