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Topic: Financial institutions

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Highlights from the decisions of personal data protection board published on July 5, 2021

July 29, 2021

Highlights from the decisions of personal data protection board published on July 5, 2021.

Communiqué on project-based securities has been published

July 28, 2021

A recently published Communiqué regulates the financing of projects for execution of public services.

Money laundering regulation is expanded to cover crypto asset and saving finance companies

May 07, 2021

The new regulations amending the Regulation on Measures Regarding Prevention of Laundering Proceeds of Crime and Financing of Terrorism published in the Official Gazette on May 1, 2021.

New era in banking: Branchless digital banking

April 22, 2021

The Regulation on Remote Identification Methods to be Used by Banks and Establishment of Contractual Relations in Electronic Media will enter into force on May 1, 2021.

The first crypto asset-related regulation of Turkey has been published: Payment institutions will no longer engage in crypto-related transfers

April 16, 2021

The Regulation confirms that are crypto assets are not regarded prohibited goods.

Amendments made to the Capital Movements Circular

April 08, 2021

The Ministry of Treasury and Finance of the Republic of Turkey amended the Capital Movements Circular.

Amendments made to the bearer share regime of non-public companies

April 08, 2021

In support of the United Nations Security Council’s decisions relating to the prevention of financing of weapons of mass destruction, certain amendments were made to the Turkish Commercial Code via the Law No. 7262.

Savings finance companies have recently been introduced to the Turkish financial market

April 02, 2021

Amendments to the Law on Financial Leasing, Factoring and Financing Companies regulates the new concept of savings finance companies to Turkey.

Details of valuable residential real property tax revealed

January 16, 2021

The Turkish Ministry of Treasury and Finance published a general communique relating to controversial “valuable residential real property tax.”

The entry into force of the ICC 2021 Rules

January 02, 2021

New rules regarding the conduct of arbitration and case management for arbitral proceedings submitted to the International Chamber of Commerce (“ICC”) entered into force.