Brian Denny

Brian Denny
Brian is an employment and labour lawyer who has been based in the Durban practice since 1991. He specialises in employment law, commercial litigation, forensic investigations (theft and fraud recoveries) and has constitutional law experience.
Brian has advised and assisted clients in all aspects of employment and labour law and is involved in litigation on behalf of his clients in the CCMA, Bargaining Councils, Labour Court, Labour Appeal Court, High Court and Supreme Court of Appeal.
Brian advises large companies on appropriate industrial relations practises and the reorganisation and rationalisation (retrenchment) of their workforces.
Brian has launched numerous urgent applications in the Labour Court and High Court:
- for breach of restraints of trade;
- interdicting unprotected strikes and unlawful conduct; and
- for the attachment of assets misappropriated by employees and others.
Brian has acted in a number of high profile cases where employees have committed white collar crime, in particular assisting with:
- the institution of criminal and civil proceedings against employees who have misappropriated company property;
- the recovery of assets; and
- the sentencing of employees.
Brian obtained his BA LLB from the University of Natal in 1990.
Professional experience
Rankings and recognitions
Rankings and recognitions
- In the Acritas Star Lawyers survey, published in January 2018, Brian was designated as a "Star Lawyer". The Star Lawyer designation is based on feedback from 4,300 clients over a three year period.