In the legal profession, advocating for justice and equality is our core mission. As a member of the LGBTIQ+ community, this mission is deeply personal to me.

Since joining the firm at the end of 2023, I have seen firsthand how an organization’s commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, particularly from an LGBTQI+ perspective, positively shapes our work and wellbeing, as well as benefits our clients.

Working with a diverse team fosters a variety of perspectives and empathy, which, in turn, enhances our ability to provide not just legal support, but genuine understanding and advocacy to our colleagues and clients alike.

For our clients specifically, having the support of a diverse legal team means receiving advice that is nuanced and culturally competent. It means being better understood and respected. In a global and multicultural society, this form of connection is invaluable.

Whether you are a member of the LGBTQI+ community or an ally, embracing diversity and inclusion can actively shape a more equitable and inclusive future.

It is not just our professional duty and it should never be just about policies or ‘rainbow washing’. It takes a personal passion and commitment to practicing fairness and justice – not only during Pride Month, but every day beyond.

This dedication is what earns the trust and respect of our colleagues and clients, showing them that we take pride in and truly live by our values.


Pride month

Pride month