Emily Ambrose

Emily Ambrose
Emily Ambrose practices primarily in the areas of class action defense, products liability defense, appeals and other complex litigation. She also frequently provides legal advice to business clients spanning labeling, regulatory, environmental and other risk mitigation. Emily has broad experience in all aspects of civil practice, including defending and taking witness and expert depositions, arguing motions and conducting all phases of discovery, including coordinating large-scale electronically stored information (ESI) discovery, and trial. Emily is a skilled writer and oral advocate and has led efforts to defeat multiple putative class actions at the motions to dismiss stage, reverse class certification and obtain summary judgments and favorable Daubert rulings in multiple cases. Prior to private practice, Emily clerked for the Minnesota Court of Appeals.
Professional experience
Representative experience
Representative experience
- Represents various Fortune 500 company clients in defending putative class action lawsuits, including relating to alleged false or misleading advertising under various states' consumer protection laws.
- Represents various Fortune 500 company clients on products liability, premises liability, and commercial claims arising in state and federal courts nationwide.
- Secured motion-to-dismiss victory in district and appellate courts for one of North America's leading branded food companies in putative class action based on allegation that their products were not "100% kosher beef."
- Secured motions to dismiss victories in multiple cases on behalf of an American multinational manufacturer and marketer of branded consumer foods in putative class actions alleging that the company's snack bars are not "100% natural" as advertised.
- Won complete summary judgment for a global producer of consumer products specializing in wet wipes and coffee filters in putative class action alleging that flushable wipes were clogging sewer systems.
- Won complete summary judgment for an American multinational manufacturer and marketer of branded consumer foods in longstanding contract dispute involving indemnity provisions in a private railroad sidetrack agreement.
- Won complete summary judgment for one of North America's leading branded food companies in products-liability case relating to one of its cooking spray products.
- Achieved appellate reversal of class certification in environmental case involving a former research facility owned by an American multinational manufacturer and marketer of branded consumer foods.
- Assisted in the trial preparation for three-week trial in a contract dispute involving a large-scale IT outsourcing agreement, which resulted in a complete judgment for firm client, including client's counterclaim.
- Represents corporate client in connection with several business and non-litigation matters, including business-to-business contracts and regulatory compliance issues.
Rankings and recognitions
Rankings and recognitions
- The Best Lawyers in America, Ones to Watch, Commercial Litigation, Best Lawyers, 2023-2025
- The Best Lawyers in America, Ones to Watch, Product Liability Litigation - Defendants, Best Lawyers, 2024 - 2025
- Minnesota Super Lawyers: Rising Star, Thomson Reuters, 2015-2024
- Benchmark Litigation, US 40 and Under List, Euromoney Institutional Investor PLC, 2024
- Benchmark Litigation, Minnesota Future Star, Benchmark Litigation, 2020-2022
- Up & Coming Attorney, Minnesota Lawyer, 2015
- JD, summa cum laude, William Mitchell College of Law, 2010
- BA, magna cum laude, Psychology and Criminal Justice, Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, 2007
- Minnesota State Bar
- "Capacity of Parties," Minnesota Contract Deskbook, Third Edition, 2016
- "The Art of Writing A Persuasive Fact Section, American Bar Association," Commercial & Business Litigation, May 20, 2015
- "Comparative LGBT RIGHTS Law: Where Should You Have Your Gay Honeymoon?," American Bar Association, Section of Litigation, LGBT Litigator, August 7, 2014
- Co-author, "Mid-Course Correction: A Transgender Trial lawyer Shares her Journey," American Bar Association, Section of Litigation, LGBT Litigator, November 7, 2013
- "Same-Sex Marriage: Redefining the Movement," American Bar Association, Section of Litigation, LGBT Litigator, December 21, 2012
- "Ruth Harlow: One of Our Heroes, American Bar Association, Section of Litigation," LGBT Litigator, November 1, 2012
- "Lawyers United: The Marriage Amendment in Minnesota," American Bar Association, Section of Litigation, LGBT Litigator, November 1, 2012
- Co-author, "Remote Justice? Expanding the Use of Interactive Video Teleconference in Minnesota Criminal Proceedings", 37 Wm. Mitchell L. Rev. 652, 653, 2011
Speaking engagements
Speaking engagements
- Roundtable Panelist, "Small Firm, Big Impact: Diversity & Inclusion for the Solo/Small Firm Litigator", ABA Section of Litigation, August 6, 2020
- "How Do Small Firms and Solo Practitioners Navigate the Class Action Arena?," ABA Section of Litigation Annual Conference, CLE, May 2, 2019
- "Candid Advice for New Lawyers," MN CLE, Minneapolis, Minnesota, January 29, 2016
- Moderator, "The Unique Issues Facing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Litigators," elimination of bias CLE, May 2013
Memberships and activities
Memberships and activities
- ABA Section of Litigation
- LGBT Litigator Committee