Outsourcing in Germany: The evolving regulatory landscape
Event Details
Global | 08. Dezember 2020As the Brexit transition period draws to a close there have been a wide variety of questions on the regulatory requirements regarding outsourcing in Germany. To decide what’s the best strategy for your business in the future you should be aware of the relevant legal limitations and options.
In this webinar, presented in English, we examine the BaFin’s proposed amendments to the “Minimum Requirements for Risk Management (Mindestanforderungen an das Risikomanagement, MaRisk)”, which, among other things, details outsourcing requirements in Germany. The webinar also considers a new draft act that the Federal Ministry of Finance and Justice and the Federal Ministry of Consumer Protection has published, the Finanzmarktintegritätsstärkungsgesetz (FISG). The FISG may introduce requirements that go far beyond the MaRisk giving the BaFin extended supervisory powers in respect of outsourcing accompanied by a number of other measures, such as the ability to impose strict fines.
You will have the opportunity to ask questions, which we will gladly answer subsequently. You are of course welcome to forward this invitation to interested colleagues.
Please register by clicking the button “Register now”. The access link for the webinar can be found in the calendar entry, which you can download after your registration. Here you will find the necessary technical requirements to play the Zoom webinar.
If you have any questions, please contact Stefanie Matias da Silva.