Event Details

On-demand webinar

Australien Accreditation 30 minutes = 0.5 CPD unit | 15. Februar 2024

In 2024, generative AI is breaching traditional barriers, becoming an essential tool within the arsenals of in-house legal teams. With AI Copilots integrating into standard applications like Outlook and Word, understanding and utilising these innovations is no longer optional for legal professionals.
This enlightening webinar, featuring Wei Chen, Global General Counsel at Silicon Valley's Infoblox and a renowned Legal AI visionary, offers a deep dive into the transformative impact of AI on in-house legal practices. As the Founder of The Atticus Legal AI Project and an Instructor of Legal AI at University of California Berkeley Law School, Wei brings unparalleled expertise and insights. Wei is in discussion with our Nick Abrahams who co-leads our Digital Transformation Practice and teaches Legal AI and innovation at Bond University.
The session will focus on how legal teams can "do more with less" by leveraging AI, showcasing practical use cases that redefine efficiency and effectiveness in legal operations.
Five Key Takeaways from the session for in-house lawyers:
  • Navigating Ethical and Professional Conduct with AI: Gain insights into the key professional and ethical considerations necessary when integrating AI into legal practices.
  • Implementing AI for Enhanced Efficiency: Learn actionable use cases of AI in legal settings that you can apply immediately to boost your team's efficiency.
  • Identifying Optimal AI Use Cases: Explore the most effective and accessible applications of AI, encompassing areas such as improved communication, legal concept comprehension, document processing, and summarisation.
  • Advanced AI Applications: Understand how to implement more sophisticated AI use cases like precedent analysis, contract review, drafting policies, and researching judicial opinions.
  • Expand the role of in-house legal: Wei is the Executive Sponsor of her company’s entire AI enablement project and believes AI will significantly expand the role of in-house lawyers beyond legal.


    • Wei Chen, Global General Counsel, Infoblox & Legal AI Instructor, Berkeley Law Executive Education Program
    • Nick Abrahams, Partner and Global Co-leader, Digital Transformation Practice, Sydney
    CPD Information
    This session is valid for 0.5 CPD unit. Please ensure this meets the requirements within your jurisdiction. To find out more, visit our CLE Library.
    Recommended CPD category:
    • Practice Management and Business Skills (NSW/VIC/WA/Qld)  | Core Area 2 - Practice Management and Business Skills  (ACT) 
    Disclaimer:  You must check the professional requirements applicable in your own jurisdiction to ensure that the webinar content and activity format is eligible for CPD units in a given CPD year.  Please refer to guidance here.
    The contents of this webinar may not be current as at the date of accessing this webinar. Our webinars are intended to provide general information and do not constitute legal advice.

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    Global Co-leader, Digital Transformation Practice