Event Details

Paris | 23. Mai 2024

The global maritime sector has faced an unprecedented pace of change over recent years, both from expected measures, such as the transition to net zero, as well as from unexpected developments, such as war affecting the Red and Black Seas, drought affecting the Panama Canal and a fraying of the international consensus. These, along with the importance of ESG, are changing how business is done and will affect the shape of the global fleet in the future. Those involved in shipping will need to be adaptable and forward looking.

We are delighted to invite you to our half day maritime conference, where we will explore some of the fundamental issues facing the sector and consider ways to navigate these going forward. 


13:45 Accueil – café et networking / Registration – coffee and networking

Mot de bienvenue et introduction / Welcome and introduction

  • Christine EZCUTARI
    Associé / Partner, Global Co-Head of Transport Norton Rose Fulbright

Guichet Unique du Registre International Français : derniers développements – atelier sur les hypothèques maritimes / point fiscalité
French International Register Office: latest developments – workshop on French mortgages/tax update

  • Stéphane GARZIANO
    Chef du guichet unique / Head of office
    Administrateur des affaires maritimes chargé de équipages et de la promotion du RIF / Maritime affairs officer in charge of crew and promotion
  • Sophie RAPACCHI
    Référente fiscalité / Tax specialist

Direction générale des affaires maritimes, de la pêche et de l'aquaculture / General Directorate for Maritime Affairs, Fishing and Aquaculture

  • Ayaka MILLET, Avocat au barreau de Paris / Senior Associate
  • Mathieu JUNG, Avocat au barreau de Paris / Senior Associate

Norton Rose Fulbright 


Evolutions et actualités du financement maritime : financements verts et captage et stockage du CO2
Shipping finance trends - present and predicted: green financing and carbon capture

  • Eleanor MARTIN, Associé / Partner
  • Matthew BAMBURY, Counsel
  • Kelli BODAL HANSEN, Counsel

Norton Rose Fulbright

15:10 Discussion / Questions and answers

Décarbonation – discussion sur la législation / Navigating ESG legislation

Décarbonation du secteur maritime - état des lieux et perspectives / Decarbonisation of the Shipping sector – overview and perspectives of the regulatory framework

  • Romain CAZZATO
    Adjoint au chef du bureau de la transition écologique des navires / Deputy-head Environmental transition of shipping
  • Pierre MAIZIERES
    Chargé de mission réglementation et décarbonation maritimes / Maritime regulation and decarbonisation project manager

Secrétariat d’Etat chargé de la Mer et de la Biodiversité, France
Secretary of State for the Sea and Bio Diversity, France

Considérations pratiques pour l’industrie maritime – comment aborder le système d’échange de quotas d’émission de gaz à effet de serre de l’Union européenne (SEQE-UE) / Practical considerations for the shipping industry for navigating the EU ETS

  • Philip ROCHE, Associé / Partner
  • Kelli BODAL HANSEN, Knowledge Of-Counsel

Norton Rose Fulbright

16:20 Discussion / Questions and answers
16:30 Pause café / Coffee break

Conflits internationaux et risques géopolitiques - impacts sur les assurances et les clauses sanctions
International conflicts and geo-political risk - impacts on insurance and sanction clauses

  • Peter MELLETT, Directeur Général / Managing Director

BankServe Insurance Services (BMS Group)

  • Philip ROCHE, Associé / Partner
  • Guillaume RUDELLE, Avocat au Barreau de Paris / Senior Associate
  • Nathan Condoleon, Associate

Norton Rose Fulbright

17:45 Discussion / Questions and answers
18:00 Cocktail reception


Global Co-Head of Transport
Senior Associate
Senior Associate
Senior Associate
Client Knowledge Director