Technical resources
Our technical resources are designed to help our clients to keep up-to-date with industry and legal updates on issues that could affect their businesses.
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Banking reform
Our lawyers offer analysis and insight into the Banking Reform Act and the secondary legislation as it develops.
Capital markets union
Capital Markets Union (CMU) aims to unify capital markets across Europe’s 28 Member States, and in doing so promote investment and growth in Europe.
AIFMD insight
Designed to assist clients and contacts when conducting their AIFMD projects, setting out the latest developments and timing of the AIFMD.
UK Corporate Governance Portal
Keep up to date with the latest developments, rules and guidance in a number of areas relating to corporate governance.
Blockchain, FinTech law and regulation
Global insight into the legal and regulatory implications of distributed ledgers, blockchains, smart contracts and cryptocurrencies.
Legal privilege
An important component of doing business is the ability to obtain open and candid advice from your lawyer.
UCITS insight
Insight and analysis into the UCITS regime and in particular the impact of UCITS V, including published material and updates to help our clients keep up to date with hot topics and developments in this space.
A bridgehead for clients and contacts when conducting their MiFID review projects, setting out the latest developments and timing of the MiFID review.
Global products
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ethiXbase 360 Third-Party Risk Management
Bringing together Norton Rose Fulbright’s global human rights expertise with the ethiXbase 360 powerful Third-party Risk Management platform to help your business identify, mitigate, and manage Modern Slavery risk in your supply chain.
NRF Institute
NRF Institute is our premium knowledge site exclusively available to our clients.
Compliance Manager
Compliance Manager is our award winning online risk management and compliance training tool. Educate and inform your employees on the risks that affect your organisation and brand with customised training that can be accessed across your entire workforce.
CRR alert services
Aimed at the banking community, this online subscription-based service provides updates of legal developments which could reasonably be expected ...
NRF ContractorCheck
NRF ContractorCheck offers organizations an easy-to-use and effective assessment to accurately characterize its individuals.
Local products
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Australia Digital Operations
Get ready for the 4th industrial revolution
Canadian Trademark Law Chatbot
Ensuring compliance with changes to Trademark Regulations under the new Trademarks Act is a step-by-step process.
Critical injury check app
Critical injury check app is a practical tool designed to help employers manage more efficiently workplace accidents.
Healthcheck for Whistleblowing (Germany)
Online-Tool zur Prüfung Ihrer Meldekanäle und Hinweisgebersysteme
LX Studio
LX Studio is our innovation-focused US subsidiary which will develop legal technology, operations and alternative legal service offerings to benefit clients beyond traditional legal advice.
Mortgage enforcement(Australia)
The Mortgage Enforcement portal gives you access to a tailored and secure on-line system which allows you to view your enforcement matters in "real time".