Beyond COVID-19
Crisis response or road to recovery?
Global | Update | November 2022
Global businesses have implemented strategies to ensure they can continue to operate in a rapidly changing and increasingly uncertain legal and regulatory landscape. Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, it has been increasingly clear that operational resilience and a clear strategy remain essential for organizations not only to survive, but to thrive. While protecting public health still remains the priority, many organizations continue to face challenges, including disruption to their supply chains, meeting contractual obligations, bringing people back to the workplace and implications under funding arrangements. Many of these issues need to be navigated on a cross-border basis.
This global resource hub identifies the key issues and provides practical guidance as well as innovative and strategic thinking from our lawyers around the world on the legal and regulatory challenges. Our multi-disciplinary team takes a holistic approach to risk management that spans business units, areas of law and national boundaries.
Cross-border resources
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Latest insights
Germany: Befristete Senkung der USt-Sätze – Auswirkungen auf die Immobilienbranche
Die Regierungskoalition hat in der letzten Woche weitere Maßnahmen zur Konjunktur- und Krisenbewältigung angekündigt.
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Key risks
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Aktuelle Publikationen

Financial Services Regulatory Developments in ESG
ESG is high on the regulatory agenda. Businesses, governments, regulators, financial services firms and individuals all have a part to play in tackling climate change and this view is increasingly shared across society.

Insurance regulation in Asia Pacific
Ten things to know about insurance regulation in 19 countries.

BGH: Zum rückwirkenden Wegfall der Karenzentschädigung bei Verstoß gegen ein nachvertragliches Wettbewerbsverbot durch einen GmbH-Geschäftsführer (Urteil vom 23. April 2024 - II ZR 99/22)
Dienstverträge von GmbH-Geschäftsführern enthalten regelmäßig ein nachvertragliches Wettbewerbsverbot, für dessen Einhaltung in der Regel eine Karenzentschädigung vereinbart wird.
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