Jan Duyvensz

Jan Duyvensz
Jan Duyvensz is a dispute resolution lawyer based in Amsterdam, where he heads both the disputes and the insurance teams.
He specialises in commercial litigation and insurance, focussing on liability claims, financial risks (including directors' and officers' liability, W&I and professional liability), energy claims (including ESG and greenwashing claims), mass claims and product liability.
Jan represents corporates and insurers in complex proceedings often involving multiple jurisdictions.
Jan regularly publishes commentary, lectures on contract and insurance law and sits as a deputy judge at the Court of Noord-Holland.
He received a PhD for his dissertation regarding exemption clauses.
Jan is recommended in the European The Legal 500 and Chambers for both insurance and dispute resolution.
Professional experience
Ausgewählte Mandate
Ausgewählte Mandate
- Representing insurers in a claim under a buy side warranty and indemnity insurance
- Advising clients on the protections available through buy-side and sell-side warranty and indemnity insurance
- Representing D&O insurers in a claim towards directors and officers of a Dutch financial institution
- Assistance with various (silent) recalls and product liability claims in the area of food contamination and medical products
- Representing insurers in relation to an explosion and fire in a refinery
- Representing reinsurers in a dispute in relation to hurricane damages
- Advising a corporate on risks relating to climate change litigation in the Netherlands
- Representing insurers on coverage issues and defence in respect of claims against the directors of an automotive company relating to the Diesel emission scandal
Chambers Europe:
"He is pragmatic and very realistic. If he doesn't see any gain, then he will tell you."
“Jan Duyvensz's clear and pragmatic advice stands out."
Legal 500
“We have always worked with the same lawyer, namely Jan Duyvensz, as he has always satisfied our needs. “
“A knowledgeable team that can be relied upon to resolve legal matters in a proactive and dynamic approach. Trustworthy and attuned to the requirements of the London insurance market. “
“Clear and pragmatic advice, practical solutions and commercial mindset. Global coverage is a big plus. “
“Jan Duyvensz is a key name for insurance parties; his clear and pragmatic advice stands out. “
- Advocaat, qualified in the Netherlands
- Orde van Advocaten: Jan Duyvensz heeft in het rechtsgebiedenregister van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten de volgende rechtsgebieden geregistreerd: Algemeen recht
- Op grond van deze registratie zijn zij verplicht elk kalenderjaar volgens de normen van de Nederlandse orde van advocaten tien opleidingspunten te behalen op ieder geregistreerd hoofdrechtsgebied
- Verjaring van asbestclaims, NTBR 1999/9, p. 292-297
- Productenaansprakelijkheid tegenover niet-consumenten, WPNR (6390) 2000, p. 117-123 en WPNR (6391) 2000, p. 135-142 (co-author J.M. Barendrecht)
- Productenaansprakelijkheid en voorgeschreven ondeugdelijk materiaal sinds het Moffenkitarrest, NTBR 2001/8, p. 402-411 (co-author C.E.C. Jansen)
- De redelijkheid van de exoneratieclausule, PhD Tilburg, Den Haag 2003 (doctoral thesis supervisors: professor J.M. Barendrecht and professor W.H. van Boom)
- Vergoedbaarheid van transactieschade op grond van onrechtmatige daad, WPNR (6855) 2010, p. 659-665
- Exoneratie en bewuste roekeloosheid, WPNR (6878) 2011, p. 225-231
- Verzekering en exoneratie, AV&S 2015/16, p. 108-113
- Opzegging, p. 73-85, in: N. van Tiggele-van der Velde & J.H. Wansink, Bespiegelingen op 10 jaar ‘nieuw’ verzekeringsrecht, Deventer 2015
Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten
Mitgliedschaften und Aktivitäten
- Vereniging voor Verzekeringswetenschap / the Association for Insurance Research