Emma Giddings

Norton Rose Fulbright LLP

United Kingdom
T:+44 (20) 74443746
United Kingdom
T:+44 (20) 74443746
Emma Giddings

Emma Giddings


Related services and key industries


Emma Giddings is an asset finance lawyer based in London. She specialises in structured and asset finance, particularly of aircraft, ships and rolling stock.

Emma has acted for financial institutions, airlines and lessors on a wide range of transactions including operating, finance and tax leases, manufacturer purchase agreements, sale and leasebacks, Islamic leases and export credit supported transactions. She has also advised on shipping finance transactions and on the acquisition and leasing of rolling stock.

Emma joined us upon qualification and was made partner in 2007. She has worked in our Hong Kong and Abu Dhabi offices before returning to London.

Professional experience

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  • Solicitor, qualified in England & Wales