Ellen Blanchard

Senior Counsel
Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP

Ellen Blanchard


Related services and key industries


Ellen Blanchard has extensive experience across all phases of discovery and the EDRM model. Focusing her practice on litigation information governance, privacy and cybersecurity, Ellen has represented clients from a variety of industries in complex commercial litigation and government investigations involving securities, antitrust, healthcare and IP issues.

Prior to joining the firm, Ellen served as Director of Discovery and Information Governance at an international telecommunication company where she was responsible for developing the strategic vision for discovery and providing leadership in managing the company's data. She lead a team that was responsible for proactively managing electronic and document discovery for active litigation matters, including complex and high-stakes disputes such as mergers, government investigations, cyber investigations and class actions.

Professional experience

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JD, American University, 2000

BA, Ohio Wesleyan University, 1997

  • District of Columbia Bar
  • Virginia State Bar
  • Washington State Bar
  • Led discovery strategy for large telecom merger investigation and litigation, managed a team of eight attorneys and paralegals responsible for the production of over 12 million pages and 11.5 TB of data from over 85 custodians under an expedited time frame.
  • Handled regulatory response related to large cyber incident
  • Managed access and review workflow for 31 law firms involved in over 15 concurrent litigations and government investigations of telecom industry;
  • Oversaw large-scale document review and productions for major antitrust and securities litigations as well as government investigations, including a DOJ investigation involving: Production of over 2.5 million records including images, native audio and video files, native Excel files and databases across 74 unique production initiatives between April 2011 and September 2012. Management of multiple review teams accessing several active databases containing 27 million records with over 500 users in 30 different user groups, each with unique permissions and access levels.
  • Recognized as one of the top 100 T-Mobile employees company-wide through receipt of Peak Award
  • Recognized as one of top T-Mobile employees in the area of client service through receipt of the Winner's Circle Award.
  • Panelist, ACC Labor & Employment Law Summit CLE, Employee Privacy in the Digital Workspace, 2020
  • Panelist, CLE, Information Governance, 2020
  • Panelist, CLE, Slack for Legal Teams: Getting the Most out of Collaboration while Mitigating Risk, 2020
  • Speaker, Summit on Legal Innovation and Disruption (SOLID), How Do You Get a Seat at the Table when There is no Table in a Post COVID World, 2020
  • Panelist, E-Discovery Institute CLE, The 2nd Request: When Cash is King, Deals are Done, 2020
  • Panelist, Sedona Working Group 1 Annual Meeting, Reinventing the Privilege Log, 2020
  • Panelist, Mobile Devices and Cloud Applications - Legal and Risk Management, 2021
  • Panelist, LegalWeek CLE, Understanding the New Data Set, 2021
  • Panelist, ARMA Webinar, The Impact of Information Governance Compliance on Cybersecurity/ Privacy Risk, 2021
  • Panelist, ACEDS CLE Webinar, Post-Pandemic: The Rise of Cloud and Collaboration Apps, Data, and the Impact on eDiscovery, 2021
  • Panelist, PREX CLE, Global Privacy & the New World of Consumer Rights, 2021
  • Panelist, E-Discovery Institute Leadership Summit CLE, Balancing Act: How Privacy, Litigation, Discovery & RIM Professionals Work Together for Success, 2021
  • Panelist, Georgetown Advanced Discovery Institute CLE, Migration, Integration, Disposition, Oh My!, 2021
  • Panelist, Legal Week CLE, Leveraging eDiscovery Expertise for Incident Response Matters, 2022
  • Panelist, Westlaw Legal ED CLE, Reexamining Line-by-Line Confidentiality Designations: A Cost-Effective and Cooperative Approach, 2022
  • Panelist, Lighthouse Illuminations Summit, Intrapreneurial Innovation: How to Drive Innovation from Within Your Organization, 2022
  • Participant, ACEDS, Fireside Chat with eDiscovery Leaders from Coinbase and T-Mobile, 2022
  • Panelist, E-Discovery Institute CLE, Sunshine In Litigation Act 2.0, 2022
  • Panelist, E-Discovery Institute CLE, Complex Privilege Issues: What they Don't Teach in Law School, 2022
  • Panelist, Perkins Coie CLE, Discovery from the In-House Perspective, 2022
  • Women in eDiscovery, Seattle Chapter (Board Member 2012-2017)
  • Sedona Working Group 1 (Electronic Document Retention and Production), Working Group 6 (International Electronic Information Management, Discovery and Disclosure) and Working Group 11 (Data Security and Privacy Liability) (Inactive)
  • Mother Attorney Mentoring Association, USA (Founding Board Member)
  • Mother Attorney Mentoring Association of Seattle (Director of Outreach, 2011- 2016)