Event Details


Mondial | 27 septembre 2022

With the China’s Personal Information Protection Law (“PIPL”) taking effect last year, 2022 has seen significant legislative developments under the PIPL. In particular, the Cyberspace Administration of China (“CAC”) and other authorities have released three documents elaborating on the cross-border transfer mechanisms specified under the PIPL with respect to the security assessment, obtaining certification and the standard contractual clauses. 

On 31 August 2022, the CAC issued detailed guidelines for the security assessment application and these the Measures for Security Assessment of Cross-border Data Transfers took effect on 1 September 2022.The requirements for security assessment are now relatively clear, so  organizations that will likely be subject to the security assessment route should be acting now to ensure their data practise is in compliance with the regulations. 

Please join us and our guest speaker from Shanghai Pacific Legal, Erin Yang, for a discussion regarding these developments in China’s cross-border data transfer regime which will include an in-depth look at the requirements to undergo the security assessment and practical actions to be implemented in order to ensure alignment with the latest requirements.