The European Parliament has approved the proposed amendments to the ELTIF Regulation, which will come into force in 2024. 

Amendments can be found at the following link: Texts adopted - Amendments to the European Long-Term Investment Funds (ELTIFs) Regulation - Wednesday, 15 February 2023 (

The new ELTIF Regulation will bring many new attractive possibilities for this investment product, such as: 

  • Clarification and simplification of the scope of eligible assets and investments, the portfolio composition and diversification requirements
  • Better alignment of ELTIF with general AIFMD framework e.g. borrowing, lending, sustainable finance
  • Recognition of new ‘semi-open ELTIF’ vehicles, i.e. implementing a differentiated application of the ELTIF rules depending on the possibility for the ELTIF to be marketed to retail investors or not, while ensuring strong investor protection.

Please contact us for additional information on the topic.



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