Campus events

Norton Rose Fulbright recruits law students from across the US. Our lawyers are active on campus throughout the year, including interviewing at on-campus interviewing programs and job fairs, engaging with affinity groups, hosting events, and mentoring students.

Date Law School Event Title
8/22/2024 Notre Dame  1L Business Etiquette Dinner 
9/12/2024 SMU SMU Women-in-Law Women's Welcome Dinner
9/12/2024 Texas TBLS Opening Associate Lunch
9/17/2024 Texas TLVA Panel
9/17/2024 University of Houston 1L Lunch 
9/25/2024 Texas TRELS Lunch Panel
9/26/2024 SMU SMU BLSA General Body Lunch Meeting
10/2/2024 UC Berkeley LSAD/WOCC Lunch Event
10/3/2024 Notre Dame  "Including You" DEI Fair
10/3/2024 Notre Dame  "Including You" DEI Fair After Dinner
10/5/2024 Texas Transactional Skills Competition
10/7/2024 UVA UVA Law Mental Health Week
10/8/2024 Duke IP Law Society Panel
10/8/2024 South Texas College of Law Meet the Employer
10/8/2024 Texas BOA Meet and Greet Breakfast
10/9/2024 George Washington GW Fall Meet and Greet
10/9/2024 Texas APALSA Lunch & Learn?
10/15/2024 Notre Dame  Meet the Employer
10/15/2024 Notre Dame  Meet the Employer Post Dinner
10/16/2024 Texas TIPLJ Coffee Meet and Greet
10/16/2024 Texas TJOGEL Roundtable Luncheon
10/16/2024 Tulane Tulane 1L Happy Hour
10/16/2024 Tulane Tulane Business Law Society Snack Break
10/18/2024 Georgetown Big Law 101
10/18/2024 Texas Society Program 1L Lunch
10/19/2024 UCLA Mock Trial Internal Competition
10/21/2024 NYU Eleventh Annual Diversity Forum
10/22/2024 Texas IM Football Championship
10/23/2024 Texas OUTLaw at Rich's Gallery
10/24/2024 Texas OUTLaw Panel
10/25/2024 Texas Society Program 1L Lunch
10/29/2024 Texas TJOGEL Fall Happy Hour
11/5/2024 Texas Mock Interview Program/Texas Talks
11/7/2024 Texas TMLS/CHLLSA Workshop
11/12/2024 Baylor Baylor 1L Orientation Meeting
11/13/2024 Texas WLC Event at Upstairs Circus
11/21/2024 Texas  Franklin BBQ Texas Law Pipeline Dinner 
12/5/2024 Baylor Baylor Firm Connections