Minimizing risk – what contractors need to know working in Quebec’s construction industry

Kanada In the media April 2024

Senior partner Maxime Cantin and senior associate Félix-Antoine Morin recently spoke to Constructo about contractor liability and minimizing risks while working on construction projects in Quebec. They discuss the need for due diligence and recommend contractors to consult a lawyer to understand the obligations and liabilities they may face. Often, a customer will insist on having his equipment used on a project. "The issue in these situations is that the burden of determining what is causing the problem with the specified equipment rests all the time on the contractor's shoulders," says lawyer Maxime Cantin, senior partner at Norton Rose Fulbright. In a construction project, a contractor must minimize the risks associated with accidents and unforeseen events. To find out more about how to protect yourself, read the article here.


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