Wesley Okereke

Norton Rose Fulbright US LLP

United States
T :+1 214 855 7434
United States
T :+1 214 855 7434


Wesley Okereke is an associate in Norton Rose Fulbright's Dallas office.  

Expérience professionnelle

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JD, summa cum laude, Thurgood Marshall School of Law, Texas Southern University, 2021
BSPsychology, University of Houston, 2017

In law school, Wesley was the Editor-in-Chief of the Thurgood Marshall Law Review and member of the African Law Student Association.

At the University of Houston, Wesley served as both a tour guide for the university, as well as the President of NAACP Unit 6806.

  • Texas State Bar
  • "Gamble-Boxes and Micro-Theft Actions: Why Loot Boxes and Microtransactions Should be Banned from Video Games," Thurgood Marshall Law Review, November 2020