Welcome to our mid-year investigations update and horizon scan. We have set out below recent webinars, podcasts and blogs in which members of our global team consider key developments in Q2 and what we expect to see in the second half of 2021. Key developments include:

  1. Challenges for companies in putting in place whistleblowing programmes in line with different countries’ implementation of the EU Whistleblowing Directive (required by December 2021);
  2. Further regulatory scrutiny of how companies manage and monitor mobile data;
  3. An increased focus on strengthening corporate criminal liability laws and on the role of auditors in detecting fraud;
  4. A continued growth in fraud arising out of the pandemic and related government schemes;
  5. More focus from the UK Serious Fraud Office and other authorities on the substance of corporate compliance programmes; and 
  6. A continued focus from authorities on the fair treatment of vulnerable customers and on ESG.

In our cover videoDavid Harris and Annie Birch consider the future of dawn raids and responding to data requests in light of the shift to a hybrid working model.

Please email Andrew Reeves; Claudia Culley or the authors of the articles if you have any questions or would like to discuss any of the issues raised.


Investigations and litigation

Webinars and podcasts



Money laundering and fraud




Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC)




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