Anthonie Crawford

Anthonie Crawford
Anthonie Crawford is responsible for the associate, student and paralegal programs of our Quebec office. Her duties involve implementing recruitment, coaching, mentoring and professional development strategies, as well as handling the evaluation and compensation process for young lawyers.
After earning her bachelor of laws at Laval University in 2013, Anthonie was called to the Quebec Bar in 2014 and practised civil and commercial litigation for nearly ten years in a large provincial law firm.
Professional experience
Bachelor of laws, Université Laval, 2013
Bachelor of science (kinesiology), Université Laval, 2013
- Quebec Bar 2014
- "La vente sans garantie légale et aux risques et périls de l'acquéreur," (co-authors: P.-O. Tremblay-Simard, P. Vachon),, article 48431, November 3, 2022.
- "Le jugement," (co-author: A. Vézina-Crawford), LegisPratique, Procédures en matières familiales, Montréal, LexisNexis Canada, 2016.
- "La fiducie en droit familial," Journal Nouvelles Économiques, May 2016.
- "Commentaire sur la décision D. (A.) c. M. (G.), sub nom. Droit de la famille – 16244 – Mariage religieux contre mariage civil: y a-t-il vraiment une distinction à faire?", Repères, Droit civil en ligne (DCL), EYB2016REP1912, April 2016.
- "Commentaire sur la décision Eaves (Succession de) c. Gestion Cianni inc. – La déclaration de transmission d'un immeuble de la succession: l'importance de la publier en temps opportun!", Repères, Droit civil en ligne (DCL), EYB2016REP20, September 2016.
- "Commentaire sur la décision Péladeau c. Centre de réadaptation Nouveau Départ inc. (Clinique Nouveau Départ) – La tutelle au majeur et la stabilité des contrats!", Repères, Droit civil en ligne (DCL), EYB2017REP2133, February 2017.
Speaking engagements
Speaking engagements
- Speaker before the judges of the Superior Court, district of Québec, "Les recours en redressement pour oppression: rappel des principes, l'ordonnance de sauvegarde et la jurisprudence récente," Québec, October 13, 2021.
- Speaker at a conference on estate settlements organized by the Association de Planification Fiscale et Financière (APFF), "Règles gouvernant la dissolution du régime matrimonial, le partage du patrimoine familial et le testament dans un contexte de décès," June 2, 2016.
- Speaker at the Association de planification fiscale et financière (APFF), "Les méthodes alternatives de cotisation," Québec, January 21, 2016.
- Speaker for the YWCA, "Les droits et obligations des conjoints de faits," Québec, April 17, 2015.
- Speaker for Desjardins, "Successions et testaments: un survol des règles de bases," training given to Desjardin's lawyers and notaries, Québec, March 18, 2015.
- Participation in the drafting of a talk for the Association de planification fiscale et financière (APFF) as part of a seminar on trusts, "L'administration fiduciaire n'est pas une mince affaire," Montréal, February 6, 2014.
- Participation in the drafting of a talk for the Association de planification fiscale et financière (APFF) as part of a seminar on estate planning, "Jurisprudence récente: les successions sous la loupe d'une équipe multidisciplinaire," Montréal, May 22, 2013.
Memberships and activities
Memberships and activities
- Vice-chair, Board of Directors, Centre de la petite enfance Bout-en-train, Sainte-Foy
- English
- French